What is Happening with Mitel MiVoice Connect? 4 Best Mitel Transition Solutions


If your business or organization is currently relying on Mitel for its phone and communication needs, you have probably heard of Mitel’s recent end of life announcement for their MiVoice Connect platform. More importantly, you may be wondering if and how it will affect your business’ operations. Here is everything you need to know about Mitel’s End of Lifecycle announcement of MiVoice Connect, how it will affect your business, and tips from a trusted IT expert on the next steps to take to ensure that your business can transition smoothly to a solution that promotes operational efficiency, optimal growth, and a trajectory of success.


Mitel MiVoice Connect End of Lifecycle Timeline

Mitel has announced an end of lifecycle timeline for their MiVoice Connect platform. The major dates and implications of the MiVoice Connect End of Lifecycle Timeline include:

End of New System Sales: July 6th, 2024

On July 6th of this year, Mitel will cease all new sales of systems currently offered within the MiVoice Connect platform. This means that after July 6th of 2024, customers will no longer be able to purchase any hardware or software systems currently offered within the MiVoice Connect platform, including:

• MiVConnect Enterprise and Small Business Edition PBX software
• MiVConnect Client software
• MiVConnect ST Voice Switch hardware
• Mitel IP400 Phones
• MiVConnect Edge Gateway software
• MiVConnect Mobility Router software
• MiVConnect Contact Center software
• MiVConnect Advanced Apps software
• Ingate SIParator hardware and software

End of Add-On Sales: December 31st, 2024

On December 31st of this year, Mitel will cease all sales of Add-Ons for systems currently offered within the MiVoice Connect platform. This means that after December 31st of 2024, customers will no longer be able to purchase any hardware or software systems currently offered within the MiVoice Connect platform or purchase any add-ons for their existing systems within the MiVoice Connect platform. Any possible extensions to the End of Add-on Sales date will be assessed based on demand or available inventory, and communicated separately by a Mitel representative.

End of Hardware Repair (No Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA)): December 31st, 2028

On December 31st of 2028, Mitel will no longer perform any RMA on any hardware currently offered within the MiVoice Connect platform. This means that after Dec 31st of 2028, current Mitel users will no longer be able to have any of their MiVoice Connect hardware repaired. At this point, customers will no longer be able to purchase any new hardware or software systems within the MiVoice Connect platform, purchase any add-ons for their existing systems within the MiVoice Connect platform, or be able to have any of the hardware within their current MiVoice Connect system repaired.

End of Technical Support: December 31st, 2029

On December 31st of 2029, Mitel will no longer provide any technical support for systems within the MiVoice Connect platform. This means that after Dec 31st of 2029, current Mitel users will no longer be able to receive any technical support for any component of their MiVoice Connect system. At this point, customers will no longer be able to purchase any new hardware or software systems within the MiVoice Connect platform, purchase any add-ons for their existing systems within the MiVoice Connect platform, be able to have any of the hardware within their current MiVoice Connect system repaired, or receive any technical support for their MiVoice Connect system.


So, what’s next?

With the end of Mitel’s MiVoice Connect platform quickly approaching, you need a plan to transition to a phone communication system that is best suited for your business’ daily needs, customer demands, growth targets, and overall success.  Here are some insider tips from Clear Winds Technologies’ team of IT experts on the best ways to handle the discontinuation of Mitel’s MiVoice Connect platform.


Best Options to Consider for a Smooth Transition Away from Mitel’s MiVoice Connect

Communicate with your current vendor of record

Your current vendor of record should be aware of the discontinuation of Mitel’s MiVoice Connect and the unique implications it has for the future of your business.  Contact your current vendor of record and ask them to detail the current components of your Mitel MiVoice Connect system licensure so that you can assess your immediate needs and devise a timeline and strategy for your system management or transition.

Purchase new hardware before the End of Add-On Sales Date (December 31st, 2024)

If you’re not ready to make the transition to a new phone communication system, you still have until December 31st of this year to purchase any Mitel MiVoice Connect Add-Ons which your business may currently need or need in the coming future. With this option, you could still receive hardware repair services until December 31st of 2028 and technical support until December 31st of 2029 for your current Mitel MiVoice Connect system.

Keep in mind, however, that all technical support will cease after 2029, so if you decide to do this, contact your vendor of contract and start devising your business’ strategy for A) conducting a phone communication system assessment, B) purchasing any necessary hardware, and C) planning your transition to a new phone communication system soon, so that you are (hopefully) fully transitioned to a new, functional, and supported system when the End of Technical Support date arrives (and fully supported in the meantime).

Transition to Mitel MiVoice Business

Mitel’s MiVoice Business system offers a complete communications, collaboration, and customer experience solution. MiVoice Business is available with either the purchase of a traditional CapEx perpetual license or with the OpEx subscription payment model. Contact your vendor of contract for more information on how to best transition to MiVoice Business.

Transition to a Hosted Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) System

With your current phone communication plan, you’re likely paying hefty fees for internet services, trunk lines, warranty agreements, and more. Many businesses report a large cost reduction when they transition to a VoIP Hosted Phone system, which utilizes expert colocated third party systems and reduces the financial capital cost of a traditional phone communication system to a monthly operational expenditure. Contact your vendor of contract for more information on how to best transition to a VoIP Hosted Phone system solution.


Looking for an IT Vendor of Contract that You Can Trust?

Consider Clear Winds Technologies! As an experienced Mitel partner, Clear Winds can provide a variety of solutions to help you navigate the end of Mitel’s MiVoice connect system, including:

  • Offering services such as VoIP/Hosted phone system and other manufacturer phone systems
  • Managing your business’ transition to a VoIP/Hosted phone system and other manufacturer phone systems
  • Managing your business’ transition to another Mitel on premise solution which is still supported


With over 20 years of IT experience, Clear Wind’s expert team of IT engineers know the struggles and frustrations of major IT infrastructure transitions and problems- as well as how to efficiently, consistently, and reliably solve them. Our highly skilled staff are eager to help guide you through this transition and any other IT questions or support needs your business may have. Visit our website, call us at (205) 986-4490, or email us at sales@clearwinds.net today to learn more about how Clear Winds can take care of your IT needs so that you can take care of your business.

Clear Winds Technologies: Your Solution for the Transition Away from Mitel MiVoice Connect and all of your IT needs!

Additional Sources:
Mitel Lifecycle Policy


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